H is for...Habbo, Hacker, Halo and HTML

Habbo: (Formerly Habbo Hotel) This is a virtual gaming world aimed at children. While this one has had some problems with child safety, it has also taken steps to rectify the issues. It’s well worth talking about during e-safety classes.

Hacker: The term 'hacker' refers to two distinct groups of people. As well as describing someone who breaks into computer systems by circumventing security, it can also refer to an enthusiastic hobbyist. The first set of people is criminal; the second enjoys customising or combining electronic and computer equipment. Ethical hacking is often used by businesses and governments to find and repair weaknesses in their computer systems.

Halo: Halo is a multibillion dollar science fiction computer game franchise. Owned by Microsoft Studios, it's been hailed as one of the best first-person shooter games. The game revolves around an interstellar war between humanity and a theocratic race of aliens known as the Covenant. It has been known to suck teenage boys in for days.

HTML: Short for Hypertext Markup Language, HTML is the main language used to create webpages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser. It's the bricks and mortar of webpages, the coding framework that tells the page what to look like.

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on October 08, 2013 11:48

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