Recommendations for schools

The Byron report, commissioned to review the risk that children face when using the internet and video games, recommended that schools:

  • audit the training needs of all staff and provide training to improve their knowledge of and expertise in the safe and appropriate use of new technologies

  • work closely with all families to help them ensure that their children use new technologies safely and responsibly both at home and at school

  • use pupils’ and families’ views more often to develop e-safety strategies

  • manage the transition from locked down systems to more managed systems to help pupils understand how to manage risk; to provide them with richer learning experiences; and to bridge the gap between systems at school and the more open systems outside school

  • provide an age-related, comprehensive curriculum for e-safety that enables pupils to become safe and responsible users of new technologies

  • work with their partners and other providers to ensure that pupils who receive part of their education away from school are e-safe

  • systematically review and develop their e-safety procedures, including training, to ensure that they have a positive impact on pupils’ knowledge and understanding.

From Ofsted Inspecting E-Safety briefing for section 5 inspection

E-safety, or online safety, is now covered by the DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education safeguarding guidance. E-safety Support members can track and monitor their own e-safety provision and practice using the interactive checklist available to all members. Find out more

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on November 09, 2017 15:13

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