Engaging parents with e-safety

Why e-safety education must begin at home

Safeguarding Essentials - June 23, 2016 10:43 - Blog Story

Stop Cyberbullying Day - 17th June 2016

Friday 17th June 2016 is Stop Cyberbullying Day - #SCD2016, an annual day where everybody can get involved and make a difference both on and off-line.

Tim Pinto - June 16, 2016 08:37 - Blog Story

Keeping children safe in education

Statutory guidance for schools and colleges

Safeguarding Essentials - June 07, 2016 13:18 - Blog Story

Childnet Film Competition - Deadline...

All primary and secondary schools as well as youth organisations across the UK are encouraged to make a film about using the internet positively

Childnet International - May 26, 2016 11:03 - Blog Story

The Duke of Cambridge launches...

The Duke of Cambridge will convene a new industry-led taskforce to support young people and their families affected by cyberbullying.

Safeguarding Essentials - May 19, 2016 11:08 - Blog Story

Appropriate Filtering and Monitoring

Guide for education settings and filtering providers about establishing 'appropriate levels’ of filtering and monitoring

Safeguarding Essentials - May 12, 2016 09:35 - Blog Story

Digital Parenting

The development of technology means that children and young people can easily speak to strangers and access inappropriate content.

Tim Pinto - May 05, 2016 12:58 - Blog Story

South West Grid for Learning partners...

A new partnership to help provide access to the Friendly WiFi accreditation for schools

Friendly WiFi - April 25, 2016 10:26 - Blog Story

Why e-safety is more than just an IT...

It is widely considered that e-safety in schools is a technology issue and is therefore solely the responsibility of the IT Lead – we disagree

Safeguarding Essentials - April 21, 2016 10:47 - Blog Story

Prevent Duty - Close to boiling point

The implementation of Prevent has left some schools feeling ill equipped and in some cases close to boiling point

Safeguarding Essentials - April 11, 2016 12:52 - Blog Story

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