Key features of good or outstanding practice

The key features of good or outstanding e-safety practice fall into 8 areas:

  1. Whole school consistent approach
  2. Robust and integrated reporting routinesStaffPolicies
  3. Education
  4. Infrastructure
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation
  6. Management of Personal Data

What does good or outstanding practice look like within each of these areas?

Whole school consistent approach

  • All teaching and non-teaching staff can recognise and are aware of esafety issues.
  • High quality leadership and management make e-safety a priority across all areas of the school (the school may also have achieved a recognised standard, for example the e-Safety Mark).
  • A high priority given to training in e-safety, extending expertise widely and building internal capacity.
  • The contribution of pupils, parents and the wider school community is valued and integrated.

Robust and integrated reporting routines

  • School-based online reporting processes that are clearly understood by the whole school, allowing the pupils to report issues to nominated staff, for example SHARP.

  • Report Abuse buttons, for example CEOP.


  • All teaching and non-teaching staff receive regular and up-to-date training.
  • At least one staff member has accredited training, for example CEOP, EPICT.


  • Rigorous e-safety policies and procedures are in place, written in plain English, contributed to by the whole school, updated regularly and ratified by governors.
  • The e-safety policy should be integrated with other relevant policies such as behaviour, safeguarding and anti-bullying.
  • The e-safety policy should incorporate an Acceptable Usage Policy that is signed by pupils and/or parents as well as all staff and respected by all.


  • A progressive curriculum that is flexible, relevant and engages pupils interest; that is used to promote e-safety through teaching pupils how to stay safe, how to protect themselves from harm and how to take responsibility for their own and others safety.
  • Positive sanctions are used to reward positive and responsible use.
  • Peer mentoring programmes


  • Recognised Internet Service Provider or RBC together with age related filtering that is actively monitored.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Risk assessment taken seriously and used to good effect in promoting esafety.
  • Using data effectively to assess the impact of e-safety practice and how this informs strategy.

Management of Personal Data

  • The impact level of personal data is understood and data is managed securely and in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.
  • Any professional communications that utilise technology between the school and pupils/students, their families or external agencies should:
    take place within clear and explicit professional boundaries
    be transparent and open to scrutiny
    not share any personal information with a child or young person.

From Ofsted Inspecting E-Safety briefing for section 5 inspection - Updated April 2014

Written by Safeguarding Essentials on April 08, 2014 13:29

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